The time when felt...

There are numerous times when people don't like to do the things which they were suppose to do,but their senses didn't want to be that though.well these scenario's are common when one is under the environment endroses them to do the same as such.Well these were to be obvious,because that particular constraint might have made the things a little more complex to that person.In terms of doing what is right and doing what is feasible to do.As such there are other times where thy person feels..
 "lola why didn't i listen to the proverbs of my feeling,rather than doing the things according to the flow which was my big mistake  of my life..?"

I feel that to overcome these situations one needs to get out of the "bond's of barrier" which was enlightened on that person,well doing this would be a courageous thing to do as that person will have to move out from the clutches of bond,endrosing thyself far away from the limits and which would indeed give that person a freedom to decide what would be the further path that needs to be followed by that person making thyself an "independent-self" as such.


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